Chesprocott Health District

health codes

Places We Inspect

As a regulatory agency, Chesprocott Health District enforces all applicable state and local environmental health codes through our permitting, licensing, and inspections processes. Places we inspect include child day care facilities, group homes, salon establishments, public swimming pools and natural bathing areas.

Information and guidance documents:
  • How to open/renovate a new or existing salon/barber/nail/cosmetology establishment
  • Apply for a public pool application.
  • How to apply for a day care application or licensing


The Cosmetology Program reviews all new and change of owner applications to ensure the facility meets local requirements. Our inspectors conduct random inspections to ensure they are in compliance with requirements and have the proper licensing for their services. Click here for more information and guidance documents.

Day Cares

The State of Connecticut Office of Early Childhood is the licensing agent for child care centers, group child care homes, family child care homes, and youth camps. Our department conducts yearly inspections of day care centers to ensure environmental safety compliance and practices are being met.

If you have questions or want to file a complaint with OEC please call 860-500-4450 or 800-282-6063.

Click here for more information and guidance documents.

Food Service Establishments, Temporary Events and Itinerant Vendors

Chesprocott Health District is responsible for licensing and regulating food activities that are either sold or provided to the public within our district. These regulated activities include inspecting restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, temporary food events, itinerant food vendors and farmers markets.  Chesprocott Health District inspects these food service operations to ensure they are complying to food safety guidelines to limit food borne illnesses.

Each class 2, 3 and 4 food establishment must have a Certified Food Protection Manager who is responsible for food safety and ensuring staff is following the FDA Food Code regulations. Please click here to learn more about the FDA Food Code.

The FDA Food Code does not contain a numeric rating system, the violations are categorized as “priority”, Priority Foundation” and “Core”. These categories are aligned with the risk of food borne illnesses associated with that specific violation.

For more information on Food Safety click here.

Public Pools and Bathing Water

All pools that are open for public use must comply with Public Health Code 19-13-B33b. Some public pools in our towns include town pools, aquatic therapy pools, and pools located in condominium complexes and large elderly housing facilities. Our inspections review the facility for safety compliance and ensuring the pool water meets public health code standards.

For pool guidance documents click here.

March is National Nutrition Month. See our flyer below to sign up for a FREE nutition class and grocery tour:
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