Take Action
Join Chesprocott’s Medical Reserve Corps!
Don’t let the word “medical” in our name fool you!
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a volunteer unit comprised of individuals with both medical and non-medical backgrounds. Our volunteers live and/or work within the jurisdiction served by the Chesprocott Health District (Cheshire, Prospect, Wolcott). Not only will MRC help you prepare personally for emergencies but you will help your community be more prepared as well.
New recruits are always welcome! If you know someone who might be interested in volunteering, bring them along to our next meeting or event!
CTResponds! is the State of Connecticut’s web-based volunteer management system and is used for communication about everything MRC! *Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
If you would like to become a Chesprocott Health District (CHD) MRC Volunteer, please call our office 203-272-2761 to speak with Lily Pawloski.