Chesprocott Health District

Report Line for Concerns of Ethic Violations

If this is an emergency and/or someone is in danger, please call 9-1-1

Welcome! You can contact an anonymous third-part hotline if you have concerns about a Chesprocott Health District employee who you perceive
displayed unprofessional behaviors, caused disruptions, or violated any of the American Public Health Associations Principles of Ethical Practice of Public Health (see text box for description).

You have the ability to contact the HOTLINE service in a way you feel safe.

1.      You can go to the website:

2.      You can call toll free: 

a.      In English call:   1-866-737-3518

b.      In Spanish call:  1-800-681-5340 

3.      You can send an email to:   (Include “Chesprocott Health District” in the memo section)

4.      You can send a fax to:  215-689-3885   (Include “Chesprocott Health District” in the memo section)

Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health

  1. Public health should address principally the fundamental causes of disease and requirements for health, aiming to prevent adverse health outcomes.
  2. Public health should achieve community health in a way that respects the rights of individuals in the community.
  3. Public health policies, programs, and priorities should be developed and evaluated through processes that ensure an opportunity for input from community members.
  4. Public health should advocate for, or work for the empowerment of, disenfranchised community members, ensuring that the basic resources and conditions necessary for health are accessible to all people in the community.
  5. Public health should seek the information needed to implement effective policies and programs that protect and promote health.
  6. Public health institutions should provide communities with the information they have that is needed for decisions on policies or programs and should obtain the community’s consent for their implementation.
  7. Public health institutions should act in a timely manner on the information they have within the resources and the mandate given to them by the public.
  8. Public health programs and policies should incorporate a variety of approaches that anticipate and respect diverse values, beliefs, and cultures in the community.
  9. Public health programs and policies should be implemented in a manner that most enhances the physical and social environment.
  10. Public health institutions should protect the confidentiality of information that can bring harm to an individual or community if made public. Exceptions must be justified on the basis of the high likelihood of significant harm to the individual or others.
  11. Public health institutions should ensure the professional competence of their employees.
  12. Public health institutions and their employees should engage in collaborations and affiliations in ways that build the public’s trust and the institution’s effectiveness.
March is National Nutrition Month. See our flyer below to sign up for a FREE nutition class and grocery tour:
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